We aim at stimulating an exchange among architects, universities, legendary masters and emerging studios
Time Space Existence features completed and ongoing projects, innovative proposals, and utopian dreams of architectural expressions. Through a wide selection of projects ranging from conceptual works, models, photographs, videos, sculptures, to site specific installations, participants question our relationship with space and time, re-envisioning new ways of living and re-thinking architecture through a larger lens.
Palazzo Bembo
Palazzo Mora
Giardini della Marinaressa
20 May –
26 Nov. 2023
Venice, Italy
After six months the exhibition Time Space Existence closed the doors of an interactive and unique edition.
Do you wish to showcase your project in the next ECC Architecture Biennial Exhibition in 2023? Get in touch at architecture@ecc-italy.eu
Participants 2021
By bringing together over 200 participants working across disciplines, we aim at stimulating an exchange among architects, universities, legendary masters, emerging studios, established global practices, designers, artists, photographers, developers, engineering companies, who together have a crucial role in shaping the future of our living.
Every two years we invite each participant to investigate the fundamental topics of Time, Space and Existence as they related to the design of the built environment. Time Space Existence is the focus of a long term research in art and architecture.